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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Metalwork teachers cause fire in Vic school

Firefighters says paint vapours were ignited by sparks from a metal grinder in the Design and Technology room at the secondary college
9 News: Metalwork causes fire at Vic school

When designing a workspace certain activities should be well separated. Like metal grinding and spray painting !
Question: What other combined activities could created danger in the workshop?

1 comment:

  1. Dangers from multiple activity in the workshop:
    1) Fire: volatile substances and any ignition source (Weld, motor contacts/brushes, grind etc)
    2) Fire: debris in corners (Paper, wood, dust) and any of the above ignition sources
    3) People Physical Injury: eye flash, projectiles(grinding), hammer chips - others being present when work is progressing
    4) Electricity and things that make it leak into people (Bits of steel dropped on cables, water etc)
    5) Dust and people - sanding with out dust extraction and effect on others in the room without PPE
    .... and all the others!
